Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bring on the Rain

With money a little tight these days, Sarah and I have been taking care of a few things on the exterior which don't cost too much...just time and a little sweat.  We're trying to finish up the painting on the back kitchen, and needed to install new downspouts since the old ones were either broken or the ugly rectangular kind that don't match the period of the house.  We found a place close by that carries the round downspout we were looking for, so last week we picked some up to be ready for this weekend.

With work being so crazy recently this "work" was actually pretty relaxing:

Here's the upper downspout...this one empties onto the kitchen roof.  Check out the cool straps we found to secure it to the house.  The old one wasn't attached at all and was a strong wind away from taking someone's head off.

Here you can see what we have planned...  We're installing a rain barrel to catch the rain from our roof for the garden, well the garden we'll have someday.  We built the base for the barrel from scrap 2x6's we had laying around.  The barrel itself we picked up for $'s an olive barrel and still smells like them.

Sarah working hard.

Millie and Abbie checking on our work from upstairs.

And here's the rain barrel installed.  My project for tomorrow will be to put on a spigot and overflow.  We also finished painting the triple the way, triple windows are a HUGE pain to paint.