Tuesday, September 27, 2011

It's been a long while since the last posting so here are some pictures of what we've been up to.  It's been a busy last month, complete with a hurricane and an earthquake, but the house has made it through just fine.  The marble tile in the foyer is done (pictures to come soon), the crawlspace is 90% insulated and we're getting ready to put the floor in the living room.

We found this big crack in our backyard after the earthquake.  Turns out the retaining wall moved about 4"....another thing to fix!

Sarah cutting open some insulation.  We decided to insulate the house ourselves to save some money, but turns out it's quick and easy.

It's always fun to take a look back at what things used to look like...here's the living room from August 2010...

...and here it is today.  It's ummm different looking; can't really say better, but different.