Monday, October 24, 2011

After a morning of apple picking at Carter Mountain it was back to Richmond and back to work on the ole house.  I took Friday off and was able to knock out a couple nagging jobs that had to be done... rebuilding the furnace vent and putting insulation around the pipes that froze last winter.  The last thing we want is a repeat of last year, when our crawlspace went from a few frozen pipes to a river in just a few short seconds.

Here are some shots of this weekend's work:

Sarah knocked out the spot for the future stained glass transom.  We'll have to frame in a header but you can get an idea of the size it will be.

This is the main duct coming into the kitchen, which we're then branching to run to either side of the room.  We're going to try and have the registers blow out the front of the cabinets which should be fun to figure out.

Sarah's checking out the contractor's work in the backyard.  The earthquake had caused the neighbors retaining wall to tilt into their yard and it was made worse by the fact that the soil was right up against the wall.  So he dug out all the dirt, pulled it back into place, and put in drainage pipe and gravel.  We'll be able to connect one of our downspouts to the top pipe you can see beyond, probably sometime in the spring.

And another thing to add to the nagging jobs list was re-coating the front porch roof.  It might not look like it in the picture, but the roof has a very steep pitch to it which can make working up there a little hairy.  Trying to make sure I didn't paint myself into a corner was fairly easy, but painting the last bit while holding onto the window with one hand was a little harder.

This week we're hoping to get our kitchen floor framing inspected so we can put in the subfloor.  That should make moving around there much easier and give us a good base to start putting in drywall.

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