Friday, December 9, 2011

This project has been pretty much all consuming, eating our free time and occupying our weekends.  Now, it's not always a bad thing but every now and again we really would sure like to be done.  So anytime we can get some help we'll gladly take it, and last weekend we had some help from my mom and dad and Sarah's brother Tommy.

This should be the last time we see the kitchen without a floor.  You can see the angled shims we had to cut to level the joists.  The back of the kitchen had about an 1 1/2" dip slope towards the back.

And the kitchen with the floor fully insulated.

And here's my dad putting in a piece of subfloor.  He subscribes to the "measure twice, cut once" school of thought...I like the "measure quickly, cut sloppy, find it doesn't fit, get angry, measure again, cut it better, find it fits OK" school of thought.  We managed to get the hardest pieces in that weekend so I'd say it was productive.

My mom and Sarah spent the day scraping, sanding and priming the old solid doors.  These things are HEAVY and take a lot of work to restore.

Sarah's brother Tommy came by on Sunday to help with more subfloor.  We managed to put in the last complicated pieces so now all that's left are the big easy ones.

Very soon we should be able to start drywalling the living room and kitchen so it will finally start to look like a finished spaced.

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