Monday, July 9, 2012

After a couple weekends we finally have some big milestones.  First off, we finished installing the hardwood floor in the living rooms and kitchen.  We saved quite a bit doing it ourselves, and other than a few mishaps here and there, it was pretty easy.  We also had some help from Sarah's parents and sister last weekend priming and installing trim in the living room.

The stained glass window has also been installed, something that we've both been waiting for some time now.  Every week that passes the house feels a little bit more, well, like an old house should.  When we moved in, the house was little more than a museum of bad design decisions from the 70's and 80's...a pandora's box of dark brown carpet, vinyl that smothered original ironwork underneath and fake wood vinyl flooring, all with a smell that would even drive away squatters.  So one of our main missions was to peel away these bad decisions and bring out the house's true character, all the while discreetly bring it into the 21st century.  We're getting closer to that goal...

Finally taking a break after finishing up the floor

I took this picture while working in the AC...I felt a little guilty, it being 105 degrees outside, but I'd rather be guilty than hot.  Many thanks to Sarah's sister Amy and mom Liz for helping.

Sarah helping her dad install baseboard.

...the stove fits!

...installing casing at the back kitchen door.

...getting the rough opening ready for the stained glass window.

...and it's finally in!.  There's still some clean up to do (the vertical lines are wood blocks holding the window stops as the glue sets) but overall it's looking great.

And this is what we meant about the house feeling like an old house should...something as simple as a stained glass window can completely change the feel of the house.

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