Monday, December 19, 2011

This weekend we put in the venting for the future microwave hood.  This involved knocking a huge hole in the wall and piecing together some ductwork.  We also started building the 45 degree wall in the corner which is turning out to be a little complicated.  More pictures on that when we finish...

Monday, December 12, 2011

Well, we finally have a floor!  After a long weekend we can walk around in our living room and kitchen without having to balance on the joists.  Next up is drywall and then we can paint!

This duct will turn up under a cabinet and blow out the front.  It's a bit complicated but should look nice when it's all done.

The backyard's starting to look a little scary again.  We might need to clean up before the neighbors get angry.

...and Sarah checking out the finished floor.

Friday, December 9, 2011

This project has been pretty much all consuming, eating our free time and occupying our weekends.  Now, it's not always a bad thing but every now and again we really would sure like to be done.  So anytime we can get some help we'll gladly take it, and last weekend we had some help from my mom and dad and Sarah's brother Tommy.

This should be the last time we see the kitchen without a floor.  You can see the angled shims we had to cut to level the joists.  The back of the kitchen had about an 1 1/2" dip slope towards the back.

And the kitchen with the floor fully insulated.

And here's my dad putting in a piece of subfloor.  He subscribes to the "measure twice, cut once" school of thought...I like the "measure quickly, cut sloppy, find it doesn't fit, get angry, measure again, cut it better, find it fits OK" school of thought.  We managed to get the hardest pieces in that weekend so I'd say it was productive.

My mom and Sarah spent the day scraping, sanding and priming the old solid doors.  These things are HEAVY and take a lot of work to restore.

Sarah's brother Tommy came by on Sunday to help with more subfloor.  We managed to put in the last complicated pieces so now all that's left are the big easy ones.

Very soon we should be able to start drywalling the living room and kitchen so it will finally start to look like a finished spaced.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Recently we've been wading through the muck of this project, and by muck I mean dealing with permits and coordinating work around the inspections process.  Certain things need to happen in a certain order...a framing inspection can only be done after a passing electrical and plumbing insulation inspection can only be done after the framing inspection and before the walls and floor are closed up...and so on.  It's been very frustrating at times but finally the clogs have begun to loosen up a bit.

We've had in the last two weeks plumbing, electrical and framing inspections, put down about 1/3 of the subfloor, had the majority of the electrical rough-in done, framed out an opening for the future stained glass and insulated the walls and ceiling.

We hope to get the subfloor finished in the next couple weeks and then we can move on to installing drywall.  And of course here are some pictures:

Here's the retaining wall the contractor fixed...this was damaged back in the earthquake a few months ago.

The new opening for a future stained glass window.  This should give the house more of a period feel.

Sarah having fun mudding around the doors and many of the holes we put in the walls.

This insulation is for acoustics between the upper and lower unit.  I can't take credit for doing all this though...many thanks to my sister Mary and brother Geoff for coming down to help on Saturday!

The kitchen is FINALLY starting to come together.  We were getting so tired of seeing the framing everyday so it's nice to see it being covered up.

Monday, October 24, 2011

After a morning of apple picking at Carter Mountain it was back to Richmond and back to work on the ole house.  I took Friday off and was able to knock out a couple nagging jobs that had to be done... rebuilding the furnace vent and putting insulation around the pipes that froze last winter.  The last thing we want is a repeat of last year, when our crawlspace went from a few frozen pipes to a river in just a few short seconds.

Here are some shots of this weekend's work:

Sarah knocked out the spot for the future stained glass transom.  We'll have to frame in a header but you can get an idea of the size it will be.

This is the main duct coming into the kitchen, which we're then branching to run to either side of the room.  We're going to try and have the registers blow out the front of the cabinets which should be fun to figure out.

Sarah's checking out the contractor's work in the backyard.  The earthquake had caused the neighbors retaining wall to tilt into their yard and it was made worse by the fact that the soil was right up against the wall.  So he dug out all the dirt, pulled it back into place, and put in drainage pipe and gravel.  We'll be able to connect one of our downspouts to the top pipe you can see beyond, probably sometime in the spring.

And another thing to add to the nagging jobs list was re-coating the front porch roof.  It might not look like it in the picture, but the roof has a very steep pitch to it which can make working up there a little hairy.  Trying to make sure I didn't paint myself into a corner was fairly easy, but painting the last bit while holding onto the window with one hand was a little harder.

This week we're hoping to get our kitchen floor framing inspected so we can put in the subfloor.  That should make moving around there much easier and give us a good base to start putting in drywall.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Tree Time

This morning we took a little break from the work inside and moved out to the backyard, a place that at times has looked like a waste land.  It's been a parking spot for the truck, a place to pile junk and debris, and even where we washed our dishes in the early days.  So we figured to give it a little life and plant a tree this weekend. We chose a Sweetbay Magnolia, and it'll be the centerpiece of the garden we have planned for the future.

And, of course, here are some pictures:

Here's Sarah starting on the giant hole which was 6 feet wide and 18 inches deep in the center.  I can't take any credit for this one, she dug the whole thing herself.

And here it is after all the hard work.  Our friends Erik and Robin picked it up for us and we were able to back the truck right up to the hole and dump it out.

And since we don't want the new tree to blow over Sarah's making sure it's tied down and secure.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Future Visions

Since we're doing some of the boring work right now we thought we'd share a couple images of what we hope for the future.  The first is a view of the kitchen from the living room...

And now an idea of what we want to do for the back yard...

We're looking to plant a Sweetbay Magnolia sometime soon...kind of the much smaller cousin of a southern magnolia and is good for the size yard we have.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

After a nice day trip to Shenandoah on Saturday to celebrate our one-year anniversary it was back to work on Sunday.  We're slooooowly putting in the living room floor, which is pretty hard given none of the joists are 16" on center and some of them are splayed.  So it'll take a while and require a whole bunch of custom cuts.  Our new toy is a Bosch impact driver which is making installing the screws a breeze.  We've learned that having the right tools to do the job is a must, even if it means spending a little more than we'd like.  Here are some pics from this afternoon:

Here's the new toy...                                           ...which is awesome!

The first one's always the hardest, right?  I think Sarah's relived to finally have a floor, even if it's just a tiny piece!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

It's been a long while since the last posting so here are some pictures of what we've been up to.  It's been a busy last month, complete with a hurricane and an earthquake, but the house has made it through just fine.  The marble tile in the foyer is done (pictures to come soon), the crawlspace is 90% insulated and we're getting ready to put the floor in the living room.

We found this big crack in our backyard after the earthquake.  Turns out the retaining wall moved about 4"....another thing to fix!

Sarah cutting open some insulation.  We decided to insulate the house ourselves to save some money, but turns out it's quick and easy.

It's always fun to take a look back at what things used to look's the living room from August 2010...

...and here it is today.  It's ummm different looking; can't really say better, but different.

Monday, August 22, 2011


This past weekend we started the tile in the foyer.  We chose white marble 12x12's for the outside, black marble mosaic for the interior border and 3x6 white marble in a herringbone pattern for the field.  It's a complicated job and about 60% done at this point so there's a ways to go...but here are some progress pictures.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Hanging in there

Wow, I can't believe it's been over a month since I've updated this site, so if anyone's still checking up on our progress thanks for your patience!  Things have been progressing a little slower recently for a few reasons...First work's been very busy, money's been tight (surprise, right?) and we've had some of the more boring tasks done like getting the electrical service upgraded and the kitchen rewired.

Even though we haven't had big changes visually, we know the project's still moving along so we can't be too bummed.  I imagine this is the time during most of these undertakings that people either A) get tired of the project and lose interest, B) run out of money and have to sell the place, or C) get divorced.  You think I'm kidding about the last one but I was following a blog just like ours recently and that's how it ended!  But we're still cruising along just fine and always have our minds focused on the finished'll just take some time to get there.

And now in no particular order here are some things that have happened over the last five weeks:

Another day and another skill learned...this time learning how to patch tongue and groove flooring.  This line down the hallway was actually where a wall used to be, but unfortunately is now right down the middle.  So, it was another trip to Caravati's to pick up some old heart pine flooring.  This stuff is expensive but well worth it since we want it to blend with the existing wood.

The two ugly entry doors have finally been replace by these antique, formerly pocket doors.  They're eight feet tall and about 100+ pounds each so we left it up to the contractor to take care of it.  We'll handle hanging the interior doors.  We've also just bought marble tile for the foyer...a nice original looking pattern with white and black marble.

A close-up shot of the handle set we chose.  They're very heavy and good quality which matches the door perfectly.

Before we can lay the tile we had to install cement backer board.  Of course the floor wasn't very level but like everything on this house we work with what's there.  Hopefully in a couple weeks we'll have pictures of the new tile.

Sarah's been working on the new (old) back door for the downstairs.  All the paint was stripped, one pane replaced, the door primed and painted the same red color as the front door.

Sarah's brother Tommy came to help again and helped out Sarah with the doors.  These came from a house in the Fan, built around 1925.  So, I guess for this house they're relatively new.  They're nice, heavy solid wood doors and should give the house a quality feel to it.

Sarah always make sure to stay protected from lead paint.

I installed this window-well under the house for a couple reasons.  In the upper left you'll see the footing for the new columns we just put in and where I am there's an access door for the crawl space.  The soil was falling into the cavity near the door, pushing the door out but more importantly falling away from the footing.  So rather than have the footing move a year from now we installed this window well which will keep the soil in place and give clear access to the crawl space door.

Can't wait for the was about 100 degrees that day!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Too late and too tired to write much tonight so I'll let the pictures do the talking...

Sarah's brother Tommy came over a few weekends ago to help take out the floor in the living room (and by help I mean do most of the work).  We'd noticed the floor had a good bounce to it the first time we saw the house and always wanted to find out why.

Mystery picture of the day...Sarah pulled this out from under the floor.....guesses???  So you think it's an old towel.  Hmm maybe even an animal?  An opossum?  Wrong, it's TWO opossums... mummified together.  Needless to say Sarah was grossed out.

Our contractor put in one of the doors reclaimed from another house renovation.  These things are 8 feet tall and weigh a ton.  The other one should go in sometime next week.

And a view of the door from the interior.  You can see how much light it brings into what was a dark hallway. Sarah worked on tearing out the old carpet and pulling up the "tackless" strips, which ironically have more tacks than anything on the planet.  There's quite a bit of patching that needs to be done to the floor...luckily there's a place in town with a huge amount of old heart pine flooring.

Here's the living room floor after the repairs.  We added blocking and a good dose of liquid nails down the middle which greatly reduced the bounce so everything's nice and rigid.  I also got to do my first plumbing repair to a drain pipe and so far so good.

And I'll end with this shot of our work gloves.  Believe it or not they're the exact same type of glove, but the ones at the top were bought in August of 2010 and have been used every weekend since then.  Beaten up, worn through and missing some finger tips, but hey they're comfortable.

Time to break in some new ones for the next year...